Setting SMS up for Success. Cartoon people with speech bubbles

Setting Up SMS for Success

SMS is a powerful channel that allows businesses to communicate directly with their customers. But in order for SMS to be effective, it’s important to set it up for success. That means taking care of the five key areas: capturing numbers, getting consent, collecting numbers in the best way possible, starting on the right foot, and making the channel convert every time. Let’s take a closer look at each of these areas.

Capturing Numbers

The first step is to capture numbers. There are a few ways to do this, but the most important thing is to make sure you’re capturing accurate and up-to-date numbers. One way to do this is to use a sign-up form on your website or in your brick-and-mortar store. You can also use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to capture numbers. And finally, you can use paid advertising to reach potential customers who may not be familiar with your brand yet.

Getting Consent

Once you have a list of potential customers, it’s important to get their consent before adding them to your SMS database. The best way to do this is to send them an opt-in message that asks them if they’re interested in receiving text messages from your business. If they reply “yes,” then you can add them to your database. If they reply “no,” then you know not to contact them via SMS.

Collecting Numbers in the Best Way Possible

Now that you’ve captured some numbers and have consent from your potential customers, it’s time to start collecting those numbers in the best way possible. The first step is to create a dedicated phone number for your SMS channel. This will allow you to easily keep track of who’s subscribed and who isn’t. It will also make it easier for customers to unsubscribe if they ever change their mind about receiving text messages from your business.

Starting on the Right Foot

Now that you have all the pieces in place, it’s time to start building your SMS channel! But before you start sending messages, there are a few things you need to do first. First, introduce yourself and let your subscribers know who they’re receiving texts from. Second, set expectations by let them know how often they can expect to receive texts from you. And finally, give them an easy way out by providing a keyword they can text back if they ever want to unsubscribe from your channel.

Making the Channel Convert Every Time

The final piece of the puzzle is making sure your SMS channel is converting every time someone receives a message from you. There are a few things you can do to improve conversion rates, but one of the most important is personalization. Make sure each message is tailored specifically for the person receiving it and focus on providing value rather than selling something. If you can do this, then you’ll be well on your way to success!


SMS is a powerful marketing tool that can help businesses communicate directly with their customers. But in order for SMS to be effective, it needs to be set up correctly. That means taking care of the five key areas: capturing numbers, getting consent, collecting numbers in the best way possible, starting on the right foot, and making the channel convert every time. By following these simple tips, you’ll be well on your way to success!

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