Umbrella Protection_Spam Education

Education: As a recipient of an SMS (in Australia), learn how to protect yourself

In today’s digital age, protecting oneself from SPAM, particularly SMS scams, is crucial. With technological advancements on the rise, it’s essential that we arm ourselves with Education SPAM avoidance tactics. This comprehensive guide aims to educate readers on identifying, avoiding, and reporting SPAM scams, and to provide a checklist of best practices for SMS marketing compliance.

As SMS and MMS specialists – it breaks our heart. Because we know how powerful great SMS and MMS can be to make that appointment booking easier, that confirmation better or that sale even more accessible.

It’s why we’re on-board with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) Code for reducing scam SMS.

Understanding the Threat

The escalating rise of SMS scams is not confined to a single country. From Australia to Canada, these fraudulent activities have become a global concern. As a responsible text messaging provider, our job is not just to facilitate communication, but to ensure that our users are aware of potential threats and are equipped to handle them. Therefore, we’ve put together this guide to help you stay safe.

Dissecting SPAM Scams

There’s an array of SPAM messages circulating, disguised as various entities, such as:

  • Bogus business propositions
  • Counterfeit charities
  • Phony investment opportunities
  • Fraudulent lotteries
  • Impersonation of individuals in need
  • Fake prizes or rewards

Example 1: Emotional Manipulation or Prize Lure

Scammers often use emotional stories or prize offers to entice victims. They might ask you to dial a particular number, click on a link, or provide specific (and personal) information.

Example 2: False Verification Requests

Another common tactic is to impersonate a known service, such as myGov, and request verification of your credit card or tax return details.

Example 3: Offer of Payment for Personal Images

In some cases, scammers might offer to pay you in return for uploading personal images. However, clicking on their link could lead you to inadvertently subscribe to a costly service or download harmful software.

Be cautious: If you respond to a message from an unknown sender by dialing a number or clicking a link, you might provide enough information for the scammer to steal your identity or defraud others by pretending to be you.

Identifying the Culprits

Scammers can be individuals acting alone or part of large, sophisticated, global operations. Regardless of their size, their primary objective is to deceive someone into:

  • Transferring money
  • Revealing bank account details
  • Sharing sensitive personal information

Blocking Unwanted Messages

Fortunately, it’s straightforward to filter messages from unknown senders on your phone. For iPhone users, follow these instructions. Android users can refer to this article to get started.

Staying Safe: Dos and Don’ts

Maintaining a secure digital presence requires continuous vigilance. Here are some simple dos and don’ts to help you stay safe.


  • Use a secure PIN to lock your device.
  • Regularly update your passwords and PINs.
  • Use complex characters for passwords.
  • Enable 2-factor authentication whenever possible.
  • Immediately report any suspected scam to your financial institution.


  • Click on links in messages from unknown senders.
  • Share any critical details like your name, credit card information, date of birth, Medicare number, tax file number, myGov identity, or passport details over SMS or by clicking on links.

Additional Support for Businesses

For more information on scams, visit Scamwatch.gov.au. This authentic source provides valuable information on scams targeting consumers and offers regular email alerts.

The Importance of SMS Compliance

Abiding by telecommunication laws and regulations is crucial when sending out SMS marketing messages. Violating these regulations can result in fines, prevent your messages from being delivered, or even result in a ban from sending SMS. However, it’s important to remember that these regulations exist to protect the end users from fraudulent and unwanted messages, ultimately enhancing the experience for everyone involved.

Understanding Opt-in and Opt-out

Before contacting your audience, their consent is mandatory. This includes providing an opt-in and an opt-out. These can take various forms, such as replying “STOP” to the message, texting “STOP” to a dedicated virtual number, or calling a number in the message.

The Importance of Identity

For any SMS campaign, it’s essential to identify yourself by your company name within the text message. While not legally required, it’s also a good idea to remind recipients why they’re receiving your message, as they probably won’t remember subscribing to your SMS campaigns.

The Right Time to Send

Many countries restrict business communications to certain hours and days. As a general rule, SMS should only be sent out between the hours of 9am to 8pm. If your customers are in different time zones, you’ll need to account for these differences before sending.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I find out more about the Code

A. Go direct to the source! The Code and Rules are available from ACMA.

Q. Why do I need to let my clients opt-out?

A. People’s preferences change over time. By allowing them to opt-out, you keep your lists clean, save costs, and get better returns by sending campaigns to people who want to hear from you.

Q. Can I have my business name as the Sender ID?

A. Having your business name as a Sender ID can complicate the opt-out process. Talk to us about what Sender ID is all about and when it’s right (or not) for you.

Q. Do I have to register my Sender ID?

A. Yes, sender ID registration is important; you’ll see more about that in our article about Code Compliance. If you’re already sending with Tall Bob, you’ll know that we work with you to be sure you’re doing the right thing. And, behind the scenes, Tall Bob is constantly monitoring and will always reach out to you should we observe a Sender Address in use that may be a breach of current or future Compliance Requirements.

Q. How do I register my Sender ID?

Your account manager will work with you to ensure you are sending from the correct SenderID during our contract and onboarding phase. Please chat with your account manager if you would like to add new Sender IDs to your account.

This guide is just the beginning of your journey towards mastering Education SPAM avoidance. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and stay safe in the vast digital landscape.

1600 500 Rachael Hooper