This is the header image of the blog showing examples of landing pages. Examples include QR codes and coupon codes

Mobile Landing Pages: Learn what works and convert

Have you ever eagerly clicked on a link in an SMS or MMS message from your favourite brand, only to end up on a generic home page, overwhelmed by numerous choices? It’s like searching for hidden treasure without a map – frustrating and time-consuming!

Time is a valuable commodity and we rely on tools that simplify our lives and save precious minutes. Picture receiving a message from your beloved brand with a link that directs you to a personalised landing page catered just for you! Wouldn’t that be nice?

The good news is that yes, businesses can send data-driven personalised mobile landing pages with their SMS and MMS messages. Personalised landing pages include your key information and actions, even before finishing your morning coffee. Now, isn’t that nice?

A person in the image is having coffee while using the phone to purchase an item.

What is a mobile landing page?

Mobile landing pages in general are designed and optimised for smartphones, to load faster compared to standard web pages. They look similar to a web landing page but they are smaller and feature a simplified layout to provide users with a seamless and user-friendly experience on smaller screens. They can often include discount coupons or interactive features like scratch cards leading to repeat purchases. 

Mobile landing pages can boost conversion rates, but customising them can enhance customer engagement and satisfaction. This personal touch can make customers feel valued and special, leading to customer loyalty.

The image includes statistics on mobile landing pages.

Mobile landing pages: our Dos and Don’ts

Do keep it simple

Opt for simpler layouts with fewer elements to suit limited screen space, boost loading speed and easy clicking. Easy-to-navigate pages enhance conversions and customer satisfaction. Complex pages can load slowly and lead to higher bounce rates. According to Think with Google, 70% of mobile landing pages load in less than 5 seconds, with visual content displaying above the fold and fully loading in less than 7 seconds. In contrast, web pages may require 10 seconds or more to load, which can lead to customer frustration, a 123% increase in bounce rates, and create a negative impression. So, it only makes sense to use more simple layouts and fewer elements.

Do run A/B Testing

Conducting A/B testing for various elements of your mobile landing page will help you enhance its efficacy. Experiment with headlines, personalisation, calls to action, and images to refine user interaction – tweak one thing at a time and test different segments to see what works for your messaging.

Do optimise images for faster loading

Images are one of the things that can make your pages lag. That’s why you need to be sure your images are swiftly loading and tailored for slower mobile networks and devices. We’ve got you – whatever images you load, we’ll be optimising them. This means your pages load even when there are delays in mobile network speeds. You know that frustration while searching on your mobile within areas of low coverage, like shopping centres? If you’re on your phone, you need optimised images for rapid loading and quick conversion – engaged customers and lower bounce rates!

Do add clear call-to-actions

Provide a single, clear, prominent call-to-action (CTA). Complex mobile pages with many CTAs or clickable areas can deter customer action. In retail, over 79% of customers make purchases via smartphones. That’s why planning for an uncluttered experience is paramount.

Do keep the content above the fold

Positioning is everything, and making sure your most important information is available before the scroll is staying ‘above the fold’. It’s so you can instantly grab the receiver’s attention and give a great reason to stay on the page. It’s about keeping it simple, concise, and on-message.

Don’t make it confusing

While it can be tempting to get very clever with lots of tools, keep your destinations easy. Whether you’re using scratchies, spin-the-wheel games, or coupon codes, keep the codes and links the same.  Bad experience can hurt your business in the long run. Statistics show that 40% of users switch to a competitor after a poor mobile experience, with 84% facing challenges in completing mobile transactions.

Do deliver the wow factor

Use visually appealing, stylish videos and images that grab attention and increase engagement. Enhance your content by adding an emotional touch, such as your customer’s name, recent purchase or video sneak peak. If you’ve got a great image for Instagram, why not stretch that asset a little further?

Do keep your audience engaged

We all love video content, but we have short attention spans. Data reveals that 33% of viewers stop watching after 30 seconds, and 45% disengage within a minute. So keep videos to under one minute for faster loading and heightened viewer engagement.

Do add some personal touch

And finally, let’s talk about personalisation – saving the best for last! Personalisation is not just nice, it’s demanded. Whether it’s receiving personalised gifts, images, or videos, people love it. So, why not extend this trend to personalised mobile landing pages? Here at Tall Bob, we’ve covered you with all the data you need to create personalised and targeted landing pages that keep customers coming back for more. Customers are inclined to click on and finalise purchases upon receiving personalised landing pages, as the personal touch fosters a sense of value and creates a stress-free buying journey.

Our final take

Tailored for people on the go, mobile landing pages need to cater to the short attention spans prevalent in today’s social media-driven world. Hence it is essential to design and optimise these pages to quickly grab attention and communicate the message effectively. Now that you have all the tips and tricks, create and send mobile landing pages and make it personalised for increased engagement, and most importantly for increased conversions.

1600 500 Rachael Hooper