Tall Bob Scam And Spam Code Awareness

Complying with ACMA’s Code for Reducing Scam SMS

Over the past few months, there’s been a lot of talk about the ACMA Code for reducing scam SMS. And, it’s a confusing topic, so here’s a summary of the key things you need to know.

And, more importantly, how we work with you to comply with the new code so that we can all protect your brand and Australian consumers.

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Bit of background.

The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) launched the Industry Code: Reducing Scam Calls and Scam SMS. This Code aims to protect Australian consumers from spam and deceptive text messages. The Code has created new requirements for telco and message service providers like Tall Bob to follow. Key to the Code is how and when you use a Sender ID.

Under the code, carriage service providers, like us, must ensure that companies using Sender IDs are ‘authorised entities’. As an example, it ensures that a message sent from Sender ID AusPost is actually sent by Australia Post. This means new processes, checks and validations for SMS providers and their customers. The key is ensuring companies that use Sender IDs are vetted and authorised. And, when companies do send messages, the Sender IDs are legitimate and authorised by the entity (business) sending from a linked account.

Why the change?

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In the past, some self-service providers did not have enough safeguards to stop spammers or people who used misleading sender idenitites. One technique spammers used was spoofing legitimate senders, like AusPost or Medicare, to deceive and mislead.
As a matter of principle, we already had and continue to have safeguards to ensure our senders act in good faith. This means complying with regulations and sending in an open and transparent way with their customer base, including how Sender IDs are created.

Here’s what we’re doing to comply.

At Tall Bob, we welcome the change that protects brands like yours and your customers from harm. It’s why we always take precautions; this code helps formalise the processes and checks we do.

Our approach is to work one-on-one with our customers. It’s why you always speak to a real person before we set up your accounts and we don’t have sign-up online. This helps to ensure we can help make sure you’re setting things up right and compliantly. 

We actively monitor traffic through our gateway, including the Sender IDs that our customers use. With our monitoring, we are looking at aggregate data, not your individual messaging or your database. 

In the rare times that we spot something that’s not right, we reserve the right to either block or substitute Sender IDs in line with the Code. We take this precaution if there’s a risk that the sender may not be authorized to use the Sender ID. If and when we detect this type of traffic in our network from your account, we will reach out and advise of any actions we have taken and what needs to happen next.

Here’s what it means for you.

In addition to the monitoring steps we take, we are establishing a register of our customers’ Sender IDs. We don’t need you to do anything at this stage. If you want to create new Sender IDs in the future, we will need to collect more information from you.

That said, to get ahead of future requirements, we are checking existing Sender IDs and collating a formal register. Over the coming months, your account manager will contact you to check and validate your details. We’ll keep the process as painless as possible.

Want to know more?

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Going direct to the source is important, so so here’s the statement from ACMA and the full Code.

And, to see what you can do now, visit our support site.

Want to know more about the changes? Drop your details below and we’ll get back to you.

1600 500 Rachael Hooper