

SMS for marketing

SMS for Marketing by an SMS Marketer: Part 2

Want to know the best tips for SMS by an SMS Marketer? First, check out Rach Hooper. It’s about how to do SMS marketing by an SMS marketer. And if…

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1600 600 Rachael Hooper
SMS Marketer Podcast Texting

SMS Marketing by an SMS Marketer: Part 1

Sounds like a handful? It’s all good. Here’s the special sauce from the Head of Marketing at Tall Bob, integrations they use. Is SMS the forgotten channel? Not for the savvy…

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1600 500 Rachael Hooper

Four Tips For Effective SMS Campaigns

Marketers and business owners have been using SMS to connect with consumers like never before. And with good reason. It has a

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1600 500 Rachael Hooper
Man with data popping from screen

6 Ways To Make Your Data Pop with SMS Analytics

From attribution to data collection insights, revenue measurement and more. We've got your mobile engagement and SMS analytics covered in ways that no one else does.  When it comes to…

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1600 500 Rachael Hooper
Tall Bob August Updates

Tall Bob’s August 2022 Update

In February 2022, Tall Bob picked up the mantle that VidCorp started. To make mobile engagement better than ever.

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1600 500 Rachael Hooper
young asian woman smiling at her iphone

Reach Your Customers With Video through SMS

    If a picture can say a thousand words, imagine how many words a video can tell. Adding videos to text messages - that’s a video linked to your SMS…

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1600 500 Rachael Hooper
phone on blue background with texts on top of a data system

Essential Insights for SMS Marketing in 2022

A mobile phone is a companion that’s always there, whether you drive to work, sit in the office, or head home after a long day. SMS marketing lets you connect…

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1600 500 Rachael Hooper
SMS 101

SMS Messaging 101: What Is It & How Does It Work?

We all SMS and text constantly in this age of smartphones and mobile devices. But wasn’t quite so long ago that text messaging wasn't even a possibility for mobile devices!…

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1600 500 Rachael Hooper
MMS 101 a business owner taking photographs

MMS Messaging 101: Level Up Your Mobile Messaging

If you’ve stumbled across this article, chances are, you’re probably wondering about MMS technology and how your business can utilise it? You’ll find answers to your questions plus everything else…

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2560 1707 Rachael Hooper
Meet Tall Bob

Meet Tall Bob. Your mobile engagement advisor

In February 2022, Tall Bob picked up the mantle that VidCorp started. To make mobile engagement better than ever.

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889 500 Rachael Hooper